Christmas can be a tough time for a lot of blokes. You have to deal with money worries, fake smiles, and too much booze and food. You may have already started thinking “how am I going to get through this” especially if you have some serious problems, like debt, loss, addiction and feeling alone. The fact that you recognise that things could get tough the sooner you can try and do something about it. For more information on what you can do to look after yourself visit What can you do? | Calm your mind

The important thing is to remember you are not alone and there is help out there. For some handy hints and tip on how you can handle your Christmas, from budgeting, managing your relationships to taking some time for yourself, check out the links below from Mind

Further support:

Alcohol and drug issues

For support around alcohol and drugs during the festive season visit:

Support over the holidays | Change Grow Live

Grief and Loss

Coping with grief at Christmas (

Family events over Christmas

Start Well: Start Well: Information on the Holiday Activity and Food Provision (

Local places of support including free Christmas dinner

Christmas Period Activities – Halton | Halton & St Helens VCA (

Hear from our lived experience champion Ged who used to find Christmas a very difficult time. 





Are money worries affecting your wellbeing? Read our guide on the practical steps you can take to calm your mind, plus tips on where to seek expert support.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Helping men cope with grief and loss

Whether it is the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship or the loss of a child, losing someone or something we love can have a devastating impact.