Get back to
a better place
What can you do?
Men are more likely to feel better when they take part in an activity. That might be a group activity or something you can do alone. But whatever it is, finding something to occupy your mind and body and taking the focus away from whatever is bothering you can boost your mood.
Here’s some suggestions – but let us know on social media what helps you?
Do something for yourself
Why is it important to do something for yourself?
If you’re struggling with lots of issues then that makes it harder to support others in your life – your family, co-workers, friends. It’s not selfish to take some time out for yourself.
In fact by looking after your own mental and physical health, you’ll be better able to support those around you.
Think you don’t have time?
Even just 10 to 15 minutes a day doing something you enjoy or that takes your focus off whatever’s bothering you can make a massive difference.
Being active is proven to boost your mood by releasing feel good chemicals helping to reduce stress levels, manage anger, sleep better and help you focus. Any activity is better than none and as little as 10 minutes a day can make a difference – but activity that raises your heart rate and gets you slightly out of breath will have the most impact. Finding something you really enjoy is the most important bit.
Take a look at our Active Halton website for info on sports and physical activity classes across Widnes and Runcorn.
For tools and tips to help you move more visit Better mental health get active and How to look after your mental health using exercise from the Mental Health Foundation.
Sleep Well
Lack of sleep can massively impact our ability to function day to day. It can influence our mood, our relationships and even lead to suicidal thoughts. Good sleep is essential and enables us to think clearly and function at our best giving us the strength to tackle any worries that are bothering us. If poor sleep is affecting you, there are things you can do to get a better night’s sleep and help calm your mind.
Eat Well
Your brain needs certain nutrients to work properly and it can only get these from a healthy balanced diet. Making small changes to what you eat and drink, can boost your mood, help you to think more clearly, giving you the strength to be your best.
*Some foods can be dangerous if you are on certain medications or drink alcohol. For further information visit these websites:
Alcohol and mental health – fact sheet | Alcohol Change UK
Get a Fresh Start
If you want to get fitter and healthier, our free Fresh Start App offers tailored advice and support for Halto residents. You’ll get up to 6 months support from a local coach via the app. Sign up here using the code FS-CYM
Halton Fresh Start on the App Store (
Halton Fresh Start – Apps on Google Play
Lower My Drinking
Worried you might be drinking more than you should? The free Lower My Drinking app will give you the expert advice and scientifically-proven tools you need to reduce your drinking to the recommended limit of 14 units a week or less.
Be Mindful
Mindfulness is a skill you can learn to spend more time living in the moment rather than replaying the past or worrying about the future. It can help you to feel more in control, think more clearly, cope with difficult thoughts and improve focus. It’s about calming the mind not clearing it. There are specific techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises and meditation which help you to be more mindful but there are also small things you can do throughout the day.
*People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) should know that mindfulness could worsen their trauma symptoms. If you’ve experienced trauma, paying close attention to yourself in mindfulness exercises can trigger flashbacks, intense emotions or dissociation*.
Action for happiness-Live life mindfully
Mens Health Forum Mindfulness
Meditation tips and benefits for men
Keep Learning
There is lots of evidence that learning something new keeps your brain healthy, boosting confidence and mood, helping you to cope with life’s ups and downs. Learning something new doesn’t have to mean going to a class or a club. Things like learning a new recipe, fixing your bike or listening to a pod cast can all help to calm your mind.
Action for happiness- Keep learning new things
Have a look a look what’s on offer for adults who want to learn something new in Widnes and Runcorn:
Adult Learning (
It’s easy to lose interest in something that used to make you happy and feel good if you’re dealing with life’s ups and downs. But hobbies are really important for boosting our mood, reducing stress, recharging our batteries and calming the mind, you just need to find something you love that can fit in with your lifestyle. Is there something you used to do that you enjoyed? Fishing, playing football with friends or your kids, photography – whatever it was, make some time and see if those activities still spark a feeling of joy. If not – there’s so much you could try.
Meet up is an online community where you can meet people with similar interests.
Staying connected, spending time with those who make you feel good, especially your mates, increases feel good chemicals which helps to calm your mind, acting as a buffer against life’s ups and downs.
Doing something with others helps us to keep on top of stress levels as well as giving you a sense of belonging.
Click on the links below for some ideas
Doing something for others gives us a boost by increasing feel good chemicals and reducing stress levels.
You don’t need to give loads of time either small acts of kindness can have a big impact. But if you do want to commit more time volunteering can provide meaning and purpose
Opportunities to volunteer in Widnes and Runcorn
Our local champions have shared what they do to help their mental health. Find out more and maybe share your own suggestions on social media using the hashtag #calmyourmind
Are money worries affecting your wellbeing? Read our guide on the practical steps you can take to calm your mind, plus tips on where to seek expert support.
Mental Health Awareness Week
Helping men cope with grief and loss
Whether it is the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship or the loss of a child, losing someone or something we love can have a devastating impact.