Get Involved

Help raise the profile of this campaign and reach more men in Halton by getting involved and sharing our resources with your own communities, networks, friends and colleagues.

We have developed a range of posters and social media resources along with an information sheet on how to use these.

We’d love to know how you have shared these resources and what kind of feedback you get! Please let us know by emailing



Please note, if you are printing our posters on your own printer, please ensure they are high resolution as poor quality printouts may mean the QR code cannot be scanned. We suggest that you print a test version first to check that the QR code does work.

If you do not have access to a high quality printer please contact us and we can provide printed copies of these resources. Email


Are money worries affecting your wellbeing? Read our guide on the practical steps you can take to calm your mind, plus tips on where to seek expert support.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Helping men cope with grief and loss

Whether it is the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship or the loss of a child, losing someone or something we love can have a devastating impact.